We will list the best road trip games for families to help your next road trip be a success.
What’s one of the first things you think of when you hear family road trip? Yes, that’s right fussy tired kids who are bored. Since you are here I think you need to find some fun games to play so your kids aren’t fussy.
After using some of our ideas for road trip games for families I think you will have a different impression of road trips. Hopefully, you will then think of a family road trip as family fun. And that is because you will be prepared with fun road trip games for families.
81 Great Road Trip Games For Families
1. Family Road Trip Song
Make up a family road trip song or create a family theme song. Then play and sing it on road trips. It’s a great way to create some family bonding. When your kids are older they can remember your family theme song and reminisce on your long road trip/trips.
2. The ABC Game
This alphabet game starts by finding the letter A on road signs or license plates and moves on through the letters of the alphabet to the letter Z in alphabetical order. It’s a group effort so you are using teamwork to find the letters. If you want a competition then when a letter is found only the person that saw it first gets to claim it.
3. License Plate Game
Play the license plate game. Have a paper printed out so they can mark off which states they see on the plates of cars passing by. The first one to have the most found at the end of the trip wins. Bonus points for finding plates not on the paper. Parked cars count too. Have a pre-printed-out paper for this game and a pen. Or laminate the papers so you can use dry-erase markers to reuse them.
4. I Spy Game
This is a road trip classic and a game you might play waiting in a waiting room trying to pass the time. I spy out the window can be entertaining with kids and an easy game. You start out with one person saying “I spy with my little eye something that is blue” or whatever color you want. Then the fellow passengers each take turns trying to guess what the item is. To make it fair only choose items within the car or items outside that will not go away fast. This was one of my son’s favorite road trip games for families.
5. I’m Thinking Of Game
Play the I’m thinking of game. This is an all time top favorite in the road trip games for families. It is a classic road trip game so most people know how to play it but some may play it just a little different than others. For example: I’m thinking of a type of animal and then everyone else asks yes or no questions till someone guesses the correct answer. Good questions to ask may be “Does it like cold weather? Does it eat meat? Is it large?” You can easily play this game for a long time since you can play many rounds in each category. Then move on to other categories.
6. Silly Monster or person drawing
This is a fun drawing game that can be played in the car as well. Everyone has a piece of paper and draws a face, then papers are traded. The next person says something to draw and everyone draws it and trades papers again. This continues on till you have your silly monster or person drawing complete. Find more drawing games on my family drawing games blog.
7. Navigation App Game
Older kids could use your navigation app on your phone. They can mark when they see things on the road. It could be fun for them to talk about what is coming up such as a certain lake or river that they notice on the navigation map. As an added benefit they can also alert you to police cars spotted on the navigation map. I’m not saying that you are speeding but…
8. What’s My Job?
This is similar to I’m Thinking of. In this game, the person comes up with a job/career. So everyone will ask yes or no questions to find out what they do. For example: Do you use a firehose? Did it take longer than 4 years to get your college degree?
9. Bingo
Bingo is a simple game for kids of all ages. Make sure that you bring a homemade or bought bingo card for each player. When an item on the card is found mark it off. The game goes on till you get a Bingo. Some items you can put on your bingo card include, stop signs, animals you might see outside, a barn, windmill, bridge, body of water, fast-food restaurant, grocery store, and many more great ideas. If young kids are playing, help them out when items are found so they can mark their bingo cards.
10. ABC Movie Game
A family vacation can start out fun by playing this game in the car. This game is great for a long car ride. It can keep your whole family busy calling out movies. Start by calling out a movie title that starts with the first letter of the alphabet, let everyone keep calling out titles till the movies with the letter A is exhausted. Then move on to the next letter and exhaust those. This is more of an older kid and adult road trip game as younger kids may have a hard time with it.
11. Help Me Pack My Bag
In this game, the first person will say “I’m going on vacation and I packed socks.” (or whatever you want to say) The second person will repeat the phrase “I’m going on vacation and I packed socks and _______ (they will add their item)”. The following person will then do the same and add their word and so on. This continues until someone messes up or till you are tired of it. These can be silly and fun things as well as items you would normally pack.
12. Would You Rather
This is fun to play on a long drive. Kids will have so much fun making up questions to ask other family members. The entire family may have a fun way to get to know each other better with answering these questions. They can be silly or serious questions.
13. Name That Movie
This is done by giving a short quote from a movie or a short description of a scene in the movie. Each family member can make a guess till the movie is guessed correctly. Then the next player can say a quote and then on to the rest of the players.
14. Who Am I
This is a fun game using real people, a famous person, or characters such as superheroes or Disney characters. Discuss what is allowed before starting the game. It might be easier for younger kids to use characters from kid shows, movies, or any famous people to them. The first player will describe the person/character that everyone will try to guess.
15. The Quiet Game
This is definitely an oldie but goodie. To play this all you have to do is be quiet and not talk. It might be fun for little kids to play but really won’t last long. If somehow it really works then kudos to you!
16. Name That Song
This is a fun travel game for music lovers. It is played by humming a short part of a song and then all the other family members try and guess the song. It can be a popular song that most in the car have heard of like Disney movie songs or Christmas songs.
17. Collaborative Story
One person starts a story by saying a sentence. The next person carries on with the next sentence and so on. This game can last till everyone is tired of it or laughing too hard to continue.
18. Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
This is similar to bingo but in this game, you just have to find the most items on your paper till you get to your destination. Shhh don’t holler out when you see the item or everyone else will see it too. This is one of my daughter’s favorite road trip games for families.
19. Hangman
Another classic game to pass the time, especially on a long trip. This is one of the best word games for the whole family. One person comes up with a word. The remaining players will take turns guessing letters to fill in the blank before the head, body, arms, and legs are drawn.
20. Break The Bank
This is a great game for long hours. Young children might need help with this game. The object of the game is for one person to make up a secret code of numbers. Depending on how young your kids are you might just use 3 digits to start with. Each person will need a piece of paper to write down their guesses. When guessing, the person who made up the code will tell the other players how many numbers they have correct and how many are in the correct place. Then the other players will take turns guessing till the the bank code is figured out.
21. Family Trivia
Come up with fun family trivia questions beforehand, print off some online, or bring a box of trivia questions from a board game with you.
22. Restaurant Order
This is similar to the Help me pack my bag game. The first person says I would like to order ____________ and then the second player repeats the phrase I would like to order __________ then adds their order.
23. Pizza Toppings
This one is similar to the Restaurant order game. The first person says I would like a pizza with _______. The next person says I would like a pizza with ________ then adds their topping and so on.
24. Sweet or Sour
When you drive by a car or visa versa wave to the people. If they wave back then they are sweet and you get a point. If they don’t wave back you lose a point. My kids loved playing this game when little. And unfortunately, sometimes you might get a negative number. Hopefully, most of the people you encounter will be sweet.
25. Scribble Art
This drawing game is a good way to enhance your creativity. This can be played with multiple people or by yourself. It is really easy to do. Just make some scribble or doodles on a paper. Then look at it and see what you can find in that picture. Look at the picture for reference.
26. Play Go Fish
This is probably one of the best games ever for kids of all ages. If you haven’t played this game or haven’t introduced it to your kids then take it along on a road trip. It is simple to play either with an actual Go Fish card game set or use a regular deck of cards.
27. 21
21 is a card game that is great for kids to play if working on addition.
28. Tic Tac Toe
This is an oldie but goodie. Buy a magnetic tic tac toe board or make your own by using paper and a pen. Or make one ahead by printing out the basic tic tac toe board and use dry-erase markers.
29. Mad Libs
This is one of the best car games to play when you need some laughs. These can be made up beforehand or bought. It can be fun to take turns filling out the blanks and then reading out loud to the whole family. Everyone is sure to get some great laughs.
30. Hide the object
Bring along a small object that can be hidden in the car near or on the person that is it. The other members in the car try and guess where it is hidden. For example: Is it under your leg? Is it in your right pant pocket?
31. Audio Books
Find some great audiobooks for the family to listen to together.
32. The Name Game
Play this game to help create a road trip name for the family using some letters from everyone’s first and last names. This will then be your family team name. If you want to make up names for each family member then that is extra fun to do as well. It can be a game of calling each other that name for your trip.
33. Family Podcasts
Find some fun family podcasts that are age-appropriate for your kids. You might just find something great to then use on regular drives to school, or errands.
34. Paper Origami
Download a video before the car trip so that the kids can watch it and try to replicate the figure. They can help each other out and see who can make them.
35. Flashcards
If your child is learning numbers, letters, multiplication tables or anything else then make it a fun family effort to help teach that child.
36. Slug Bug/Hug Bug
The old game used the term slug bug and every time you would see a Volkswagen beetle you would yell out “Slug Bug” and then slug the person near you. Instead of slugging each other you could name it Hug Bug and keep a tally of how many you see. At the next stop cash in your hugs from all the family members.
37. Simon Says
A very classic game that can be played sitting down. Just figure out what Simon can say like “Simon Says touch your nose, Simon Says smell your armpit, or Simon Says raise your right hand.” See if you can come up with some original ideas and get creative.
38. Homemade Cards
Make homemade cards with colors, stickers, and cardstock paper. It could be a family effort like an assembly line. One writes the message, the next colors a picture, the third puts stickers on the card, and the last puts them in envelopes. This could be for extended family birthdays, Christmas, or for whatever occasions are coming up.
These may not be necessarily a game but an activity they can do on their own in between family games. It is a great thing if your kids have things to entertain themselves for some of the trip as well.
39. Coloring Books Or Pages
40. Drawing Prompt
41. Stickers And Sticker Books
42. Mazes Or Drawing Puzzles
43. Journal To Document Trip
Let your kids journal by writing or drawing pictures of all they do on their trip.
44. Read
Of course, reading is great for everyone but if your child gets car sick easily then this might not be the thing for them to do in the car.
45. Laminated Map
Create a laminated map for your kids to follow that leads to your destination. They will have fun using a dry-erase marker to follow the path. This will also help your kids to know how far away or close they are to the destination without asking “Are We There Yet”.
46. Build a Small Lego Kit
Find one that is a car figure or something pretty simple and then can play with it.
47. Color an Ornament
Color a wooden ornament or figure. It can be just for fun or an ornament that can be used for the Christmas tree or given as gifts.
48. Make an Easy Craft
Awesome idea for kids that love to make crafts. If you plan to let your kids make a craft in the car then have items put together for it in a bag so everything is there that will be needed.
49. Make Homemade Cards
Make homemade cards with colors, stickers, and cardstock paper. It could be a family effort like an assembly line. One writes the message, the next colors a picture, the third puts stickers on the card, and the last puts them in envelopes. This could be for extended family birthdays, Christmas, or for whatever occasions are coming up.
Road Trip Games For Families can also include games you purchase or things you can do on your own.
Games played without having to buy anything are great. Or only using the basic art supplies like coloring books, paper, and colors. But if your family is on the go a lot and the classic games are getting a little boring then why not take the leap and throw your family a curve ball by investing in a new fun game?
These are games that we have used on a car trip or ones that I looked up on Amazon that seem to have good reviews and sound fun to play. Make sure that you look at the recommended ages and base your decisions on what works best for your family. Some of these may be versions of board games but made for on-the-go.
50. Merlin
This classic game is fun. It is a favorite game of mine from childhood. There are many different ways to play with it from games the whole family can play to one person games.
51. Old Maid
52. Uno
53. Sudoku or Fill-in Puzzles
54. Pictionary Man
55. Connect 4
Just be aware that you will have game pieces to keep up with.
56. 20 Q Electronic Toy
57. Peg Puzzle
58. Apples To Apples Dice
59. On The Dot Game
60. Games on the Go by Continuum Games
61. I Spy Travel Card Game by Briarpatch
62. Travel Tangram Puzzle
63. Shotgun! By What Do You Meme or Shotgun Junior
Depends on your kids’ ages on which one is best for your family.
64. Light up Memory Game
65. Snap! By Eebo Card Game
66. Train of Thought Skillmatics
67. Krafun Lacing Car Kit
68. Highlights for Children Hidden Pictures
69. Busy Board Montessori Toy
70. Family Trivia by Lot Fancy
71. LCD Writing Tablet – 2-pack Drawing Pads
72. Simon Micro Series Game by Hasbro
73. Melissa & Doug On The Go Secret Decoder Deluxe Activity Set
74. Road Trip Car Games – Dry Erase Travel Games
75. Magnetic Drawing Board
76. Guess Who? The Board Game or the Card Game.
77. Taco vs. Burrito
78. Well Balanced Car Bingo by Travel Days
79. Mess Free Coloring Book
80. Carpool Chaos
81. 5 Travel Game Activities Pad
Clipboards are great to use on the go or purchase a lap pillow with a hard desk-like side.
Make sure to stop at a rest stop to get out, stretch, run around, and get the wiggles out. Everyone needs time out of their car seats to stay in a good mood. Depending on the ages of your kids you might have to plan more stops for them to move around.
It’s great if you can find rest stops with a playground. If not then play a game of tag. This could be the start of a family tradition on road trips. Everyone goes to the bathroom first then when the whole family is gathered together you all shout out “Not It.” The last person to shout out “Not It” is then “it” and has to catch everyone else.
The best thing about family fun car games is that you are all interacting as a family for most of your adventure.
Depending on how long your road trip is you may want to alternate some family road trip games and some of the road trip games that everyone can do on their own. This will eliminate or limit the amount of screen time everyone has or on social media for older kids or adults.